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4.4 out of 5
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Android & Web App Development using the Backendless Platform

Build Multiplatform Project. Backend & Frontend with No-Code approach, and Android with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose!
Stefan Jovanovic
301 students enrolled
English [Auto]
Build an Android App with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose
Build an Android app by using a Backendless Android SDK
Create Custom UI components
User Authentication
Sign in with Google
Access Token
Server Auth Code
Clean Architecture
Compose Navigation
Dagger-Hilt Dependency Injection
Color Picker UI Component
Build both Front-End and Back-End with NO-CODE approach
Develop a Web Application with Codeless
How Android and Web App can communicate with the same Database
Backendless UI Builder
Backendless Codeless Editor
Backendless Back-End
Backendless Front-End
Build your Back-End like with a Puzzle Game
Develop a Web App that will be responsive on different screen sizes
And much more!

In this course I’m going to teach you how to build your own startup project, that will be available on multiple platforms like Android and Web.

The startup application that we are going to build, will include a user authentication, so that we can create our own user database. And the purpose of that application will be to provide different kind of a color palettes to our users or visitors.

Now everyone will be able to check out those color palettes in our applications, but also we are going to create the logic that will allow our users to submit their own color palettes as well. And you as an admin will have a full control over the process of approving those submitted colors from those users.

When it comes to an Android application, we are going to develop that application in Android Studio, by using the modern UI toolkit called Jetpack Compose and a Kotlin programming language as well.

Now the most exciting part comes after that, when we should focus on creating the Web application as well. Now for creating a web application you are not going to need any prior knowledge about Web Development itself, because the front and the back end part will be developed with No-Code approach. Codeless approach means that you are going to play with puzzles, and create your Web App at the same time!

And that’s just the beginning, there are a plenty of other things that you’re going to learn through this course. So what are you waiting for, let’s get started!

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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
4.4 out of 5
12 Ratings

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13 hours on-demand video
Certificate of Completion
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