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4.53 out of 5
805 reviews on Udemy

Marketing Fundamentals: Discover The 5 Marketing Pillars

Learn The Fundamentals Of Marketing And Build Your Online Business Especially If You Are A Complete Beginner
Vladimir Raykov
15,099 students enrolled
English [Auto] More
Design a powerful name for your product.
Create an imaginary customer.
Set a price or pricing strategies.
Craft a promotional message that sells.
Choose online marketing channels.
Start an online business.
Write marketing copy.
Create an integrated marketing strategy.
Understand marketing theory.
Create, manage and develop a WordPress blog.

What Do Students Say About This Course?

  • “BEST Marketing Course on Udemy”

“This is the real deal 🙂 No fluff, just genuine, valuable information through and through. This is very hard to come by as I feel a lot of marketers withhold information and knowledge just so they can make more money on their next ebook, course, etc. but you won’t find any of that here. I highly recommend the course to anyone interested in learning more about marketing fundamentals.” –  Youngin

  • “The Best Marketing Course I’ve Ever Taken”

  • “Beginner’s marketing blueprint and action plan”

  • “Clear, well presented, and engaging!”

  • “Marketing made easy!”

  • “I Highly Recommend This Course”

  • “Outstanding Experience”


  1. You will learn how to design a powerful name for your product(s). 

  2. You will learn how to create an imaginary customer. (a crucial concept) 

  3. You will learn how to price your product(s) and different pricing strategies. 

  4. You will learn how to craft your promotional message that sells. 

  5. You will learn different online marketing channels that you can use to put your message in front of your prospective customer’s eyes – and much, much more. 

  Please watch the “preview” lectures, as I share 28 minutes of high-quality content and you will have a better understanding of whether this marketing and business course is for you! 

My name is Vladimir Raykov. I work as a Marketing Manager, I have a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, and I do online marketing business with my own digital products (eBook and eCourses). I became interested in online marketing several years ago and from then on, I have never stopped learning.

 The reason I’ve created “Marketing Fundamentals – 5 Pillars – Learn-Apply-Earn!” is because I’d like to provide you with a solid foundation (the missing ingredient) on which you can build your online business. 

  In this very moment, people are making millions online. All those people have something in common – KNOWLEDGE! They have invested time to educate themselves. They understand the importance of acquiring new skills and honing existing ones. 

  There are many courses right now, promising that you would make a huge number: 6 or 7 figure incomes. SECRET software and tactics or tricks… well, you will get nothing of that fluff here in my course. 

            Mind you, this course is NOT about getting rich quickly – if you are looking for this, you won’t find it here and I advise you NOT to enroll in my course. 

  In this Marketing course, I’m sharing my experience and knowledge with you that I’ve been gathering for more than 6 years now. You will learn about the most important pillars of marketing, and namely: Product, Price, Place, Promotion, and Customer. 

  This course is not just plain theory! You are not going to be a passive student. Yes, I teach you the theory because you need it (after all this is a course about marketing fundamentals), but then I integrate the theory with practice, so you start gaining experience right from the beginning of your marketing career.  

  NOT ONLY WILL YOU LEARN, but you will also be required to practice what you’ve learned – see all the “Take Action” PDFs after each chapter. You will have to download these files and write directly on them. 

Remember, you have nothing to risk! The investment you make now will pay you back many times in the future. I’ve spent a lot of time working on this course. I provide you with high-quality audio and full HD videos. I believe in my course and I am sure you will love it. If, however, for some reason you are dissatisfied or the course is not what you’ve expected – no worries, you have 30 days money-back guarantee – NO QUESTIONS ASKED!

So, in short here is my proposal: 

  • My course is going to teach you the fundamentals of marketing – product, price, place, promotion, and customer. 

  • Once, you have these in place, you are ready to start building your online business. You will become a member of our marketing community – we share knowledge and experience. 

  • All of the information you will be presented is high-quality HD videos with perfect sound. You have access to great bonuses that will become more and more with time. 

If this sounds appealing to you, click the â€œBuy Now” button right now. 

-Vladimir Raykov
Stay Purposeful

You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
4.5 out of 5
805 Ratings

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2 hours on-demand video
2 articles
Certificate of Completion
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