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4.36 out of 5
1371 reviews on Udemy


Volume 1 of "Become SAPUI5/FIORI Consultant series" - Complete App development Course with BAS, WEBIDE, VSCode Editors
Satya Siva Prasad Kondiparthy
7,148 students enrolled
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Complete SAPUI5 / FIORI / UI5 web application development, FIORI Elements,Latest IDE's from SAP -VSCode & BAS ( Business Application Studio ) are well covered
Course is being updated with FIORI Elements, no need of paid server access for learning FIORI Elements- Free SAP Server access can be obtained from SAP
Free System Set Up for learning this course, no need to shell out extra amount for remote access of server. Cloud server access can be obtained from SAP.
Just a computer with internet connection and zeal to learn is sufficient to land in your dream job as SAPUI5/FIORI Consultant.
VSCode,SAP Business Application Studio ( BAS ) - Latest IDE's from SAP , students will learn development based on BAS,VSCODE as well as WEBIDE
You are given right approach to follow to complete your SAPUI5 Objects at work, you can work in SAPUI5 Projects after completing this course.
Corporate Level Training covering all necessary in-depth concepts of Custom development of SAPUI5 / UI5 / SAP UI5 / FIORI

Latest Update-

Course is being updated with FIORI Elements

App development using VSCode, BAS, WEBIDE.

I can go up to an extent of saying that this course is for below enthusiasts:-

1) if you complete this course and are thorough with the concepts presented, you can easily clear questions from the SAPUI5 technical interview.

2)For anyone who is looking for an opportunity to get a job in SAPUI5

3)For anyone who wants a complete custom SAPUI5 application development course, where they do not want to depend on any other resource/colleague for completing their objects, apart from SAPUI5 standard documentation

4)For anyone who does not want to spend their hard-earned money for learning bits and pieces of SAPUI5 custom development here and there, this is the course for you- YOU DO NOT HAVE TO LEARN ANYWHERE ELSE. Everything is included here( if not included you can build applications referring to SAPUI5 standard documentation based on the knowledge you acquire in this course)

5)Complete debugging of Chrome is covered concerning SAPUI5 ( also called UI5 / FIORI )

There is so much passion that went into this course creation.

Passion to share the knowledge, not withholding any details for you to master the art of programming.

I know many who give training who just teach you ABCD’s of what is needed to understand what is SAPUI5, but this course is unlike anything you have seen before. I bet you can develop applications like a professional, provided, you completely digest the concepts presented.

suppose you are a dreamer, dreaming of getting a good job in a Top MNC, or a freelance programmer who is aiming for a good contract for building SAPUI5/ FIORI applications. In that case, this course promises you the technical foundation needed for you to build applications independently.

Almost 40+ Applications which are explained in this course with help of examples for a clear understanding of concepts are available for download.

Download Applications from resources, of course, ->Upload them into WEB IDE as  Projects-Watch Videos in Udemy, and observe the project Uploaded in WEB IDE for clear understanding. Simple!!

Free System Set Up for learning from this course, no need to shell out an extra amount for remote access to the server

A to Z of what is required to learn is set up in a particular sequence

Topics that are covered in this course concerning SAPUI5 technology are covered in-depth, also with the help of debugging in internet developer tools to make you better understand what is happening inside the framework, under the hood. So that when you work in real-time, when you encounter any dumps or when you do not remember methods to be used in application programming, you can find these methods using chrome developer tools and use those methods in code- without the strain of memorizing them.

Also, another way of finding methods/functions is going to standard sapui5 SDK. we have given the references of standard SDK throughout the course so that you will be self-sufficient – the foundations of SAPUI5 are well laid, and you do not depend on anyone else to help you when you are stuck.

Basics to Learn SAPUI5 Application development are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These are only covered to the extent students need to follow this course.

if you need to master SAPUI5, you need to master JavaScript as well. Please refer to any JavaScript course for in-depth details of JavaScript. Contents of this course are only relevant to SAPUI5 but at the same time have given basic details of JavaScript wherever required.

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To help better understand standard SAP Recommended coding practices for SAPUI5.

  • All the basics of SAPUI5, all theoretical concepts are very well covered and incorporated into our examples

  • Debugging to minute level and finding methods/functions to be used in source code.

  • Google Chrome developer toolkit is shown in almost every example – making sure that students understand how to work in real-time when he/she encounters errors and also to find out functions on their own without needing any external help

  • Standard SAPUI5 SDK references are given wherever required so that you will be self-sufficient to not depend on anyone else to resolve your programming issues.


SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP SE (or an SAP affiliate company) in Germany and other countries. All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies.

You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
4.4 out of 5
1371 Ratings

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14 hours on-demand video
Certificate of Completion
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