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4.4 out of 5
21 reviews on Udemy

Social Media For Business Owners: Social Media Training

Increase Followers And Improve Conversions right now!
Michael Ingram
1,417 students enrolled
English [Auto]
Full of hacks, hints and tips for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.
Learn how to get an all-star profile on Linked-in
How to complete a Social Media Audit
Discover which of your Twitter Followers are fake. Also, how to discover which Politicians and Celebs have fake followers.
Use video story-telling to Increase your You Tube presence
Know the best times to post on Social Media
Learn how To Improve Your Blog
Receive a Social Media Size Cheat Sheet
How you can find out your Social Profile score
How to work out your ROI on Social Media Marketing.
Learn how to build a large following on the main Social Media platforms

The Social Media for Business Owners Course.

This course shows you how to use Social Media for your business to Increase Customers, Improve profitability and get your brand message across to more of your Followers

We all use social media in our daily lives,but are you using it properly for your business, or to get that job in Social Media?

If not, why not? Your Competitors almost certainly are and you could be missing out BIG TIME by not having a cohesive and well thought out Social Media Strategy.

This course will show you how to Increase your followers across all of the leading social media platforms.

It will show you how to complete a social media audit to highlight any deficiencies in your marketing whilst explaining how to fix them.

Some of the many other things we will look at in the course are:-

  1. 10 reasons your business should be leveraging Social Media.
Nine tips for increasing your click through rates on Facebook and the Ninja way of attracting customers.
Reaching your target market on Twitter.
Ever-Growing circles on Google+
  5. Fundamentals of growing a large Linked-in following and how to get that Impressive all-star profile.
  6. How to spot your fake followers.
How to use Psychology to increase sales.
YouTube- using visual media and visual storytelling to improve your brand.

By taking this course you will learn lots of hints, hacks. and tips to get you ahead of your rivals. By properly leveraging and using the dynamic power o Social Media you will Increase your customers and Improve profitability

Enrol now. Every few minutes you delay means your rivals could be getting ahead with their Social Media Strategy.

I look forward to seeing you Inside


Course updated November 2017

You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
4.4 out of 5
21 Ratings

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2 hours on-demand video
4 articles
Certificate of Completion
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