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4.17 out of 5
9 reviews on Udemy

The Complete Course for the AP Physics 1 Exam

Practice the Most Critical Skills for All College Level Physics Exams
Philip Baldock
87 students enrolled
English [Auto]
Key skills for scoring well on the AP Physics 1 Exam and other college equivalents
Physics common sense and how to deal with questions you've not seen before
All major sections of the AP Physics 1 syllabus are represented in the questions covered

In past years, AP Physics 1 has had a pretty bad pass rate (according to the College Board website) but it doesn’t have to be this way.

  • Physics has a lot of maths in but not nearly so much as AP Calculus, whose scores aren’t so bad.

  • Physics is complicated and requires a lot of knowledge to be gained but far less that subjects like History or Biology.

In my experience as a post graduate teacher at the University of Birmingham, what Physics requires uniquely is a strong mathematical imagination. You have to be able to think reliably and creatively in order to do well on an exam. The only way to learn this is by practice. In this course, I’ve set you a wide range of questions fully worked through in order to test your flexibility and imagination to help prepare you for the unique challenges of Physics.

This course is built around last years AP Physics 1 course syllabus but the skills apply equally well to all entry level physics exams (and in fact all physics exams) so this could serve as good practice for all algebra based physics courses.

It consists of a series of sample questions written by me to be roughly representative of previous exam content and the syllabus released for last year’s AP Physics 1 Exam but the focus is on methodology and imagination over particular things to memorise or note down.

This Udemy course covers, over various questions:

  • Kinematics

  • Wave Motion

  • Simple Harmonic Oscillators

  • Electrostatics

  • Circular Motion and Gravitation

  • Torque and Rotational Motion

  • Dynamics

  • Energy

  • Momentum

This is not a run through of any particular past exam and certainly not a walk-through of the coming exam, I don’t have this information and I am not affiliated with the official Advanced Placement teaching organisations. I am a physicist and I do have experience teaching undergraduates and I do believe that, for a lot of students, I can make a positive difference to the way they approach college level physics exams and the material discussed.

It wasn’t so long ago when I did them that I’ve forgotten what it was like to take physics exams at the college and undergraduate levels. For most people, me included, it was a rough experience to go through. Looking back, they didn’t need to be nearly so hard to learn and prepare for and I’ll do everything I can to pass that insight on to you should you take this course.

Either way, I believe in you – with enough practice, you can do it.


By purchasing this course you agree that the course instructor is in no way liable for any disputes, claims, losses, injuries, or damage of any kind that might arise out of or relate to the content of this course or any supporting communications between instructor and student.

You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
4.2 out of 5
9 Ratings

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Stars 1


4 hours on-demand video
Certificate of Completion
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